Sword Art Online: EX-CHRONICLE

Virtual Event

By Epic Dope Staff | February 21, 2022

After winning over otakus with a mind-blowing anime, Sword Art Online is back with its virtual event that gives you a chance to experience the SAO world yourself.

The Sword Art Online: EX-CHRONICLE virtual event will be held from Monday, February 21, 2022, from 8 pm to Thursday, March 10th, 2022, at 11:59 pm.

SAO lovers will be rewarded with a four-sided screen theater video experience and limited-edition merchandise.

This will combine an immersive experience with a beautiful virtual space to captivate your attention. It is recommended to use a VR headset as some elements are VR app-exclusive.

From the Town of Beginnings to the Ocean Turtle, the event will portray tons of different locations from the anime’s world.

SAO: EX-CHRONICLE is a must-watch event that has the power to carry you over to the world of your favorite anime.