Latest Trailer Reveals New Characters

Shinobi no Ittoki

By Epic Dope Staff | September 21, 2022

Ninjas are a deadly combination of a spy and an assassin, making their existence highly debatable but not unreal.

Shinobi no Ittoki anime’s latest trailer gives us a sneak peek into the workings of Annin and their various officers and detectives.

The Annin was created to regulate and keep ninjas and their clans under control. It consists of detectives like Shione Kо̄zuki and unit captains like Hayato and Genji.

Furthermore, the video also previews the anime’s ending theme, “Oboetate” by hockrockb.

Since action comes hand-in-hand with emotions, we see different key characters stating their feelings out loud.

The show is slated for an October 4 debut this year, so mark your calendars and begin the countdown.